NYC Bible Teacher

Private Tutoring

These classes are arranged by appointment as scheduling allows.  Once a day/time slot is settled, the class will meet for an hour, once each week for as long as Don is able to continue the class.  The student may drop the class at any time.  Possible study  topics are listed below:

Survey of the Bible

A six lesson course designed to give you to comprehensive view of the Bible.  Simple notes, charts and maps are provided;  use your own Bible.  By the end of the course you will be familiar with the story of the Bible, from creation to the New Testament church.  You will know how each Bible book fits into this story and why it is important.  You will see all of this on a comprehensive timeline, simply designed to pull it all together.  The theme and message of the Bible will be emphasized.  These six, one hour lessons, are a great introduction to Bible study.

[6 week course — 1 hour each week]

Reviewing Old Testament History

Too many are trying to understand God’s plan and purpose without understanding its foundation.  Jesus Christ and all that is taught in the New Testament is rooted in and built on Old Testament History.  Evidence for faith, abiding spiritual principles, Messianic prophecies, Messianic types, illustrations of God’s redemption and judgment of humanity are all found in Old Testament History.  This material is essential for everyone who truly wants to understand God’s eteranl plan.

[15 week course — 1 hour each week — extra student reading time]

The New Testament Church

Introduced by Jesus’ teaching about the church, this study looks at the pictures of the New Testament church as describe in the book of Acts.  Supplemented by specific statements and descriptions of the church in the New Testament letters, you will have a clear view of what the church looked like in the first century — before denominationalism, creeds, and hierarchical church governments.

[8 week course — 1 hour each week]

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount — Matthew 5-7

This sermon, delivered early in the ministry of Jesus Christ, summarizes what it means to be a Disciple, a Christian and a Citizen in the kingdom of heaven.  The conduct and character described by Jesus in this lesson is demanded of those who will follow him.  Unfortunately, we are too quick to modify His standard to one of our own choosing. This study encourages you to become what Jesus expects you to be.

[6 week course — 1 hour each week]

Understanding the Life of Christ — Reading through the Gospel of Luke

Simply a Bible reading session with comments and questions from the teacher along the way.  Questions and discussion from the student are encouraged.  There will be some limited comparison with the text in Matthew and Mark.  A clear understanding of the person and purpose of Christ is the goal in this study. It serves as a foundation for the study of the book of Acts.

[1 hour each week — duration of class varies]

What Must I Do To Be Saved? The Most Important Question in the Bible Answered By the Bible!

This course deals directly with the most important question you can ask.  The study will cover:  why we are lost,  passages that explain what God has done in order for each of us to be saved, and instructions for people who want to turn from sin and be saved.

[1 hour each week — duration varies from 5 weeks up]

Growing Stronger in Christ

Based on the letters to churches, this course looks at passages of scripture that call people to maturity in Christ.  Spiritual strength is needed to overcome sin and be faithful to the Lord.  Even more, the Lord calls us to a fruitful life of service.  Whether it is leading someone to Christ, praising God in worship, serving the Lord by serving our neighbors, disciples of Christ are continually growing!

[8 week course — 1 hour each week]

A Study Series can be arranged  —

Based on your area of interest or on questions you have.  Please contact Don Bunting for a study based on your particular need.