NYC Bible Teacher

Do you want to learn to play the guitar or speak Italian?


Do you want to learn to play the guitar or speak Italian?
I have always wanted to learn to play the guitar.  I even received one as a gift when I was a young boy.  I still want to.  Recently I have wished I could speak Spanish.  I am thinking about working on that.  How about you?  Is there some skill you have wished for over the years but never accomplished?
Many people wish they knew the Bible, understood it better and could remember scriptures.  That is as easily accomplished as learning to play a musical instrument or speaking a new language – not that easy!
Knowing God and His word is a learned skill.  Jesus, who brings both to humanity, was primarily a teacher!  No matter how effective a teacher may be, real success lies in the heart of the learner.  If  you really, really want to learn to play guitar, you must put in the time and effort over a sustained period.
Are  you ready to start?  …studying the Bible, I mean?  It is not too late!  No short-cuts!
Let me know if you think I can help you.  212-729-8356