NYC Bible Teacher

Can I Learn to  Interpret Scripture?


Can I Learn to  Interpret Scripture?
People beginning to read and study the Bible are often afraid that they will not be able to understand it.  How can I make sure I am reading it right.  What is the key to proper interpretation?
We need to start with the confidence that God as our Creator knows us and is capable of communicating His will to us, and that God as our Father loves us and wants us to understand Him.  If that is true we should read with full confidence that we can understand the Bible.
So, if there is a problem understanding, the problem lies with me.  God and His word are not the problem.  “Rules of interpretation”  are not listed in scripture, however, there are some rules of communication that are most useful in Bible study.  These are not special rules for understanding religious things.  God has always spoken to people in human language, using our language to talk with us.  Remember, He wants us to understand.
Note these helpful suggestions:
  • Be aware of context.  What is the topic of discussion in this section?  What is the main point of this paragraph?  What are these statement trying to accomplish?  Everything in the text is working with and for that purpose.  Statements that can easily be understood in the middle of one conversation can be misunderstood and misconstrued in a different conversation.  Politicians are well practiced in the art of lifting a rival politicians words out of a conversation, repeat the statement without the help of its context and accuse the rival of saying something he did not say.  Do not do that to God!
  • Read carefully to see exactly what was said.  This is illustrated in John 20:20-23.  Jesus said “‘If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you?  You follow me.’  Then this saying went out among the brethren that this disciple would not die.  Yet Jesus did not say to him that he would not die, but, ‘If I will that he remain…’.”  We must read the Bible carefully and accurately.  What does it actually say?!
  • The Bible is full of figures of speech.  They are so common we don’t even notice they are there.  Usually we read, understand the point, automatically interpreting the figure of speech with out even thinking about it.  For example, Jesus said:  “I am the door”  (John 10:9).  Jesus was not a door.  Jesus was a man.  But he does what a door does.  He is the way in!  Figures of speech should not be interpreted mystically but practically.  They mean what they say by illustration or by emphasis.  I might say of someone:  “He is big as a house!”  While rude and exaggerated, the statement conveys an idea and my feelings about it.  Figures of speech are a natural part of communication to illustrate, emphasize and capture attention.
  • Read.  Consider.  Keep reading.  The Bible has one author.  It is the word of God.  For that reason, one part of the Bible will not contradict another part of the Bible.  If I do come to a false conclusion in my reading, sooner or later my further study will correct my erroneous conclusion.  It is a big book so the process takes time. However, trusting the revelation of God in its entirety guards me from wandering away from the message God intends for me to understand in any particular text.  The whole explains the details.
Read your Bible with confidence.  Study the word of God with diligence.  The Lord is speaking to you and want you to know Him and His will!  Let me know if I can help.  Don – 212-729-8356.